Quantum Physics is at the Heart of all of our Modalities

Medical Thermography
Body Harmonics Body Harmonics

Medical Thermography

Medical Thermography safely records and maps skin surface temperatures on the human body that can be used for analysis by a trained thermologist to help your physician assess for potential abnormalities. Thermography Facts: No Radiation: No Contact: No Compression: No Contraindications: No Pain. Thermography is FDA cleared as an adjunctive screening for: Breast Cancer Screening Thyroid Pathology; Cerebrovascular Screening; Neuro-muscular Conditions; Peripheral Vascular Disorders.

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The Vagus Nerve
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

The Vagus Nerve

Vagus Nerve Stimulation has caught a wave of enthusiasm. There are so many benefits that are being discovered tapping into this 10th Cranial Nerve that touches almost every major organ in the body. It is also believed that Aging is associated with structural and functional changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which innervates the whole body, and its altered function may influence almost all body systems. As we age, there are changes in autonomic nervous system function and characterized by increases in sympathetic and decreases in parasympathetic nervous activities, starting a cascade of many problems. The study by Bretherton et al. (AGING 2019) found that daily tVNS (Transdermal Vagus Nerve Stimulation) for two weeks improved measures of autonomic function, and some aspects of quality of life, mood and sleep. These findings are incredible!

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Pain and Inflammation
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

Pain and Inflammation

Pain and Inflammation are common ailments that can be difficult fo find the correct treatment path for. This discussion surrounds why pain and inflammation are so prevalent and why treatment that are effective for your pain are difficult to find.

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Why can’t I get healthy?
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

Why can’t I get healthy?

Many times in this world we search and search for ways to make us feel better, be more healthy or be a different weight. Someone else has the answer for me. I want anything but how I feel now. We buy supplements, try diet fads and fail at getting where we want to go. Why does this happen?

We are humans with strong energy bodies that are impacted by not only our physical bodies, but by how we feel and think. The core to healing is a path to understanding our internal processes that promote our feeling off balance and adjusting them in the direction we want to go. Each of us has immense power. We do have the ability to make these changes.

How to you treat you? Are you loving and supportive to yourself? Do you understand (as you already do who you are at the core of your being) who you are? You are not how others judge or perceive you. You are not how your parents raised you. You are not ANYTHING but how you define you to be TO YOURSELF. Your internal messages about who you are define the state you experience within your body.

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What are the symptoms of EMF over exposure?
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

What are the symptoms of EMF over exposure?

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) are everywhere. We can no longer avoid them. Exposure to them is toxic and harmful to our bodies and subtle energy bodies. Since the beginning of the universe, the sun has sent out waves that create EMFs, or radiation. At the same time the sun sends out EMFs, we can see its energy radiating out. This is visible light. At the turn of the 20th century, electric power lines and indoor lighting spread across the world. Scientists realized that the power lines supplying all that energy to the world’s population were sending off EMFs, just like the sun does naturally. Over the years, scientists learned that many of the emerging electrical appliances also create EMFs. As the medical world advanced, much of its diagnostic and treatment equipment, like imaging devices for X-rays and CT scans, were also found to make EMFs. Today, 90 percent of the world’s population has access to electricity and uses electrical appliances. That means lots of electricity and EMFs are created around the world. But even with all those waves, scientists generally don’t think EMFs are a health concern.

Radiation exists across what’s called the electromagnetic spectrum. This radiation ranges from very high-energy (called high-frequency) on one end of the spectrum, to very low-energy (or low-frequency) on the other end. Examples of high-energy radiation include: x-rays, gamma rays and some higher-energy ultraviolet (UV) rays. This is ionizing radiation, meaning this energy can affect cells on the atomic level by removing an electron from an atom, or “ionizing” it. Ionizing radiation can damage the body’s DNA and cells, which may contribute to genetic mutations and cancer. On the other end of the spectrum is extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation. This is a type of non-ionizing radiation. It can move atoms around in the body or make them vibrate, but most researchers agree that it isn’t enough to damage DNA or cells. In between ELF radiation and high-energy radiation on the spectrum are other types of non-ionizing radiation, like: radiofrequency (RF) radiation, visible light and infrared.

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A new approach to alleviate Neuropathy
Neuropathy, Cymatherapy™ Lily Woods, PhD Neuropathy, Cymatherapy™ Lily Woods, PhD

A new approach to alleviate Neuropathy

Many individuals suffer from unresolved and untreatable Neuropathy that impacts their ability to enjoy life fully. Peripheral neuropathy happens when the nerves that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) are damaged. This condition often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet. It also can affect other areas and body functions including digestion and urination. The peripheral nervous system sends information from the brain and spinal cord, also called the central nervous system, to the rest of the body through motor nerves. The peripheral nerves also send sensory information to the central nervous system through sensory nerves. Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, inherited causes and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes.

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The Dance of Sound, Light and Shape
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

The Dance of Sound, Light and Shape

Sound affects us in a variety of ways, impacting our physical, emotional, and mental health. Deepak Chopra says we “metabolize all of the sounds in our environment.” At any moment we can do a “sound check” on our environment and ask ourselves, “Are these sounds increasing or depleting my energy? How are they affecting my ability to focus and concentrate?” Sound does not exist without its counterparts, light and shape. This is evident when sound is applied to sand or water and geometric shapes appear that have color bands of light. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy of an electromagnetic wave arrives in chunks consisting of little particles of light called photons. At the biological level, light is referred to as a biophoton. Sound is not visible, nor is it part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound is a wave of pressure—a mechanical wave— and requires a medium such as air or water to propagate. The phonon is the amount of acoustic or vibrational energy. The biophonon (sound energy) sits aside the biophoton (light energy) as an element within our biological structures, so sound and light exist beside each other. Physicists tell us that sound creates the structure for the light to communicate. Danish scientists theorize that our nerves communicate through sound impulses, not electricity. In my view, sound precedes the electrochemical signaling within the body.

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The Cellular Immune System treatment with AMI 850
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

The Cellular Immune System treatment with AMI 850

As we say goodbye to summer, our society begins its ritual of preparing for what has been named the “cold and flu” season. It used to be known as fall. We begin to notice changes in how we interact with one another—fewer hugs, fewer handshakes and holding each other at arm’s length, for fear that we are going to “catch something” from somebody. We seem to have forgotten that we have our own natural immunity which could turn out to be our very best defense. Science has shown us how antibodies are very good at gobbling up unwanted invaders in the blood. As it turns out, they don’t really run the show—our cellular immune system does. These cells originate in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus, and coordinate the efforts of the other aspects of the immune system. This is called our innate immunity.

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AMI Therapy
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

AMI Therapy

The AMI 850 is our new flagship Cymatherapy Device. It features TWENTY HIGHLY EFFECTIVE CHANNELS for profound rejuvenation in all aspects of health. Just sit down and rest your bare feet on the gel pads, and the powerful Sound Vibration Codes will be carried from the soles of the feet to every area of your body through the Energy Meridians. he AMI 850 is the latest evolution of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices.

In addition to the original “Cyma Ten“ channels—created to alleviate the underlying causes of disease, the AMI 850 contains the new “Keys To Health“ protocols. Formulated to elevate your body to its next level of vibrant health. These additional ten channels will open the doors to the healing potential that already exists within the body.

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Energetic Testing and Healing

Energetic Testing and Healing

Gain deep insights into what’s working in your body, what requires attention, and what remedies would be most useful in obtaining better health. Take the guesswork out of your health, and let real, personalized data guide you toward a fuller and more balanced life. Comprehensive testing allows you to understand your body on a deeper level. Through innovative testing techniques, stresses in the body will be identified and a plan to work towards achieving optimum health and overall wellness will be developed.

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What are Earth Energy Grids and Why do I care?
EMF Testing and Balancing Lily Woods, PhD EMF Testing and Balancing Lily Woods, PhD

What are Earth Energy Grids and Why do I care?

The earth as we know it, has multiple energy grids beginning with the magnetic shield which provides protection of the earth by deflecting most of the solar wind, whose charged particles would otherwise strip away the ozone layer that protects the Earth. It also protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. This energy grid is widely known, researched, documented and accepted by scientists. On the surface and subsurface of the earth, there are estimated to be at least several more energy grids less well known and open to debate by the scientific community. Those that are pursuing their research of these energy grids are making remarkable progress. Seemingly, the largest grid may be the Ley Lines that surround the earth in established patterns as well as interconnecting into a somewhat precise matrix enveloping the Earth. The literature on Ley Lines is extensive. There seems to be sufficient evidence amassed that, if one has an open mind, one can clearly see that this energy grid does in fact exist.

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Is EMF/EMR exposure toxic?
Body Harmonics Body Harmonics

Is EMF/EMR exposure toxic?

EMF waves are occurring at an alarming rate and studies of the impact on humans are minimal. We experience the impact of these waves on a daily basis. Frequencies and wavelengths that are not visible to us and the impacts on the earth, plants, wildlife and humans is becoming more apparent.

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ECO Laser Treatments
Lily Woods, PhD Lily Woods, PhD

ECO Laser Treatments

The ECO laser offers an extremely fast, powerful, and easy way to energetically Clear, Charge, and Balance any material with beneficial vibrations.

This is not an ordinary soft laser (laser pointer); its laser diode has been cleaned and permanently imprinted to project out through the green laser light strong beneficial vibrations of the Center and of all 12 Beneficial (Horizontal) Bands in the Vibrational Spectrum. It is highly penetrating, and highly effective, clearing in just a moment things which normally take a long time to clear. This tool can be used on the human body and energetic body, crystals and pets.

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